General Info
Name TLF B
Full Name Taki Lali fiai B (703)
Founded on 09/05/2022
Location Sopron - Hungary  
Manager Lajos Takács
Manager History
Staff See list
Current Division Carpathian League - CLB-2 (8th Place)
Games Without Winning5
Defeats in a Row5
Biggest Win 40-0 vs Aosta FC
Biggest Defeat 0-40 vs USM Marrakech
Trophy Room
League x5
Vyshejshaja Liga / THAI PREMIER LEAGUE
Cup x5
League x4
Lower Divisions
All Time Stats
Most Games for the Club Toni Pauletić, 290
Most Goals Mahmut Akyel, 323
Most Assists Ashraf Belkhouja, 342
Most MOMs Attila Király, 44
Best AvG Rating Branko Darmanović, 9.76

See FULL stats
Team Harmony 50%
Financial Situation   Excellent
Players 25
Average Age 22 Years
Players Value 0
Wage Average 0
Star Player Norbert Takács
Team Leader Norbert Takács
Team Facilities
Stadium Nyíregyháza FC
10000 Terraces
Average Attendance   22023 People
Supporters   25848 people
Team Facilities Gym

Last comment by Velimir Mataja (Total: 3):

Thank you and good luck to you too

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