General Info
Name DMCA Scorpians
Full Name DMCA Scorpians (47)
Founded on 19/08/2024
Location Los Angeles - USA  
Manager Andrew Harris
Manager History
Staff See list
Current Division Premier Development League-1
Biggest Win Ongoing game
Biggest Defeat Ongoing game
Form Ongoing game
Trophy Room
Ongoing game
All Time Stats
Most Games for the Club Mislav Ljubojević, 277
Most Goals Mislav Ljubojević, 1220
Most Assists Junior de France, 808
Most MOMs Mislav Ljubojević, 104
Best AvG Rating Sigutis Baravykas, 9.22

See FULL stats
Team Harmony 50%
Financial Situation   Rich
Players 16
Average Age 21 Years
Players Value 0
Wage Average 0
Star Player Andrew Harris
Team Leader Kingsley Miller
Team Facilities
Stadium DMCA Scorpians Arena
15000 Terraces
Average Attendance   27132 People
Supporters   23693 people
Team Facilities Gym

Last comment by Daviken Bourne (Total: 16):


Sure, what kind of wax should i use? Glue wax or body wax?

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