General Info
Name SC Mecca
Full Name SC Mecca (3798)
Founded on 26/09/2023
Location ar-Riyad - Saudi Arabia  
Manager Kareem Baz
Manager History
Staff See list
Current Division Saudi Professional League - Main (3rd Place)
Games Without a Loss3
Wins in a Row3
Biggest Win 11-0 vs Jeddah FC
Biggest Defeat 0-28 vs ZTE FC B
All Time Stats
Most Games for the Club Lucas Pontes, 111
Most Goals Shlomo Ohana, 134
Most Assists Paul Cleere, 51
Most MOMs Shlomo Ohana, 43
Best AvG Rating Shlomo Ohana, 8.89

See FULL stats
Hall of Fame
No player is yet in the Hall of Fame
Team Harmony 61%
Financial Situation   Excellent
Players 16
Average Age 24 Years
Players Value 0
Wage Average 0
Star Player Benito González
Team Leader Paul Cleere
Team Facilities
Stadium SC Mecca
25000 Terraces
Average Attendance   13687 People
Supporters   28384 people
Team Facilities None