General Info
Name 长安竞技
Full Name 长安竞技足球俱乐部 (3064)
Founded on 02/09/2022
Location Kiev - Ukraine  
Manager Piero 
Manager History
Staff See list
Current Division Premier League (1st Place)
Games Without a Loss1
Wins in a Row1
Biggest Win 27-0 vs Nyva Poltava
Biggest Defeat 0-51 vs C.F. Hermosillo
Trophy Room
League x5
All Nippon
Cup x2
League x1
Lower Divisions
All Time Stats
Most Games for the Club Mario Dalla Libera, 173
Most Goals Pan Piero, 475
Most Assists Mario Dalla Libera, 121
Most MOMs Pan Piero, 81
Best AvG Rating Pan Piero, 9

See FULL stats
Hall of Fame
No player is yet in the Hall of Fame
Team Harmony 75%
Financial Situation   Rich
Players 17
Average Age 28 Years
Players Value 0
Wage Average 0
Star Player Foo Siang Long
Team Leader Alexander Aleksander
Team Facilities
Stadium 长安大球场
42000 Terraces
Average Attendance   15093 People
Supporters   32695 people
Team Facilities None
Press Conference

We need player for Champions.

Released In 23/12/2022


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Greetings from the Modena WT! Happy New Season!

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