General Info
Name Pyrgeas
Full Name Pyrgeas Karatoula A.O. (264)
Founded on 04/05/2012
Location Beograd - Serbia  
Manager Prokopis Pavlakis 
Manager History
Staff See list
Current Division AL 2nd Division-1 (5th Place)
Games Without Winning4
Defeats in a Row4
Biggest Win 35-0 vs Nis (P)
Biggest Defeat 0-26 vs Dj Pula
Trophy Room
League x5
Primera División / СУПЕРЛИГА СРБИЈЕ
Cup x12
All Time Stats
Most Games for the Club Ljubivoje Rakić, 297
Most Goals Mateja Kežman, 547
Most Assists Pantelis Petriniotis, 301
Most MOMs Mateja Kežman, 59
Best AvG Rating Nestoras Koutos, 8.63

See FULL stats
Team Harmony 37%
Financial Situation   Rich
Players 16
Average Age 26 Years
Players Value 0
Wage Average 0
Star Player Pantelis Petriniotis
Team Leader Evgenios Kotsonis
Team Facilities
Stadium Evgenios Kotsonis Arena
47000 Terraces
Average Attendance   33854 People
Supporters   31099 people
Team Facilities Gym, B Team
Press Conference

Zdravo amigos!

Pyrgeas Karatoula back (again) to Serbia!

We previous played in Colombia (Champions and Cup Wiiners), Switzerland, Venezuela, Malta, Serbia (2 times) and Greece!

Enjoy your time in our team!

We offer: Full Gym, B’ team, two U19 teams, Own cheapest shoes shop and friendly spirit!

B team : Amphidolians

Managers: Evgenios Kotsonis (Greek U18 Manager), Baggelas Kotsonis (x-NTs Manager, Hall of Fame - Serbia)

Season 49 Team Trainings

Pyrgeas: 4 days Game View, 3 days Stamina
Pyrgeas U19: Stamina

Amphidolians: Dribbling
Amphidolians U19: Technique

Released In 13/06/2021


Last comment by Lelos Tsatsaronis (Total: 5):

We have the best Greek manager in Serbia! Go Coach Pavlakis!

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