General Info
Name Sinop FC
Full Name Sinop Spor (1740)
Founded on 04/07/2024
Location Bursa - Turkey  
Manager İshak Özer
Manager History
Staff See list
Current Division Türkiye Süper Ligi (6th Place)
Games Without Winning6
Defeats in a Row4
Biggest Win 10-0 vs CZ Veles
Biggest Defeat 0-40 vs Lakatamia L
Trophy Room
Division B x2
Lower Divisions
Division C x2
Lower Divisions
Division D x1
Lower Divisions
All Time Stats
Most Games for the Club Ufuk Kızıltepe, 28
Most Goals Anton Bressan, 60
Most Assists Volodymyr Kryvonis, 29
Most MOMs Anton Bressan, 8
Best AvG Rating Anton Bressan, 8.86

See FULL stats
Hall of Fame
No player is yet in the Hall of Fame
Team Harmony 50%
Financial Situation   Insecure
Players 23
Average Age 26 Years
Players Value 0
Wage Average 0
Star Player Fatih
Team Leader Olcan Enginsu, Fatih
Team Facilities
Stadium U Balıkesir
25000 Terraces
Average Attendance   10425 People
Supporters   29872 people
Team Facilities None

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