Brazil Under 21
Squad - Squad of the Last Match  (16/09/2024)
  Position Name Team Age Skills Fitness Confidence Morale Caps Goals
GK Doutor da Madeira de Lei Donos da Bola 20 249 100% Average 98% 7 0
D L Herbert Claro The Goodfellas B 21 707 - - - 8 0
D R Éverton Pintor Eagle Imperials B 20 571 - - - 6 0
D L Adauto Costa The Goodfellas B 21 766 - - - 24 0
D C Žydris Dervinis Sophistēs B 21 777 97% High 100% 32 0
D C Rômulo Boas Brasil Devils B 21 750 92% High 89% 21 1
D RLC Benito Soares Aliança Zagreb 21 686 88% Below Average 6% 18 1
M C Winicius Peixoto Aliança Zagreb 21 726 86% Exaggerated 100% 13 4
M C Caiã Dias The Lions B 21 738 91% Exaggerated 100% 28 4
M C Ednei Monteiro The Goodfellas B 21 592 - - - 3 0
M C Jaime Cunha The Goodfellas 19 474 - - - 5 0
M C Pedro Constante DirewolveS B 21 716 87% Exaggerated 100% 23 16
F C Ariel Canavarro The Goodfellas 19 465 - - - 2 1
F C Valentino Dias The Goodfellas B 21 807 - - - 17 24
F RL Samuel Lemos DirewolveS B 21 606 99% Average 100% 8 3
F R Adib Vidal Dutch Devils B 21 687 96% Exaggerated 98% 14 6
F C Hulk Silveira ITV 21 739 88% Exaggerated 66% 8 3
F C Esteróide de Castro Aliança Zagreb 21 718 95% Exaggerated 50% 8 6