Northern Ireland Under 21
Squad - Squad of the Last Match  (16/09/2024)
  Position Name Team Age Skills Fitness Confidence Morale Caps Goals
GK Algernon Burrell Lurgan Football Club 17 77 100% Very Low 100% 245 0
GK Jason Hogan Derry Bay 17 65 100% Exaggerated 100% 0 0
D C George Watts 17 116 100% Very Low 100% 259 0
D C Martin Langstone Derry Athletic 17 116 100% Very Low 100% 247 2
? Trevor Cartmill 17 0 100% Below Average 100% 15 0
? Jon Pepper 17 0 100% Average 100% 9 0
M L David Wall 17 93 100% Exaggerated 100% 228 6
M R Stalock Micu 17 92 100% Average 100% 6 0
M L Jonathan Collacott 17 70 100% Exaggerated 100% 0 0
M RC Derek Eshun Bangor United 17 75 100% Very High 100% 251 0
M C Irving Willis Vikings II 18 0 100% Average 100% 15 0
M C Laurent Foley Derry Athletic 17 96 100% Exaggerated 100% 0 0
M R Forbes Ingram Belfast United 17 99 100% Exaggerated 100% 235 10
F C Andy Conway AAIF 18 0 100% High 100% 17 3
? Edison Paredes 17 0 100% Very High 100% 0 0
F R Stephen Crawford Ballymena Town 17 85 100% Exaggerated 100% 226 34