Wales Under 18
Squad - Squad of the Last Match  (16/09/2024)
  Position Name Team Age Skills Fitness Confidence Morale Caps Goals
GK George Dillenbeck Lambas 17 0 100% Below Average 100% 7 0
D L Leroy Langstone Wrexham Sports 17 120 100% Very Low 100% 409 2
D C Darron DeVane Swansea United 17 0 100% Very High 100% 278 45
M R Stalock Davis Carmarthenshire Welfare 17 2 100% Very High 100% 0 0
M L Archie Harkess Denbighshire Town 17 102 100% Exaggerated 100% 0 0
M C Steven Vark Ceredigion Rovers 17 0 100% Exaggerated 100% 351 0
M C Wayne Campbell Neath Port Talbot Utd 17 36 100% Exaggerated 100% 387 1
M RL Neil Fletcher Gwynedd Rovers 17 134 100% High 0% 420 6
? C Darron Guiry FC Mostaganem 17 0 100% Exaggerated 1% 287 3
M R Simon Glendinning Carmarthenshire Welfare 17 12 100% Exaggerated 1% 4 0
M L Philip Wishart Swansea United 17 61 100% Exaggerated 100% 307 3
M C Douglas Lizrraga Swansea United 17 49 100% Exaggerated 0% 403 11
F L Patrick Murray Ceredigion Orient 17 131 100% Exaggerated 100% 414 24
F C Pete Singleton Ceredigion Rovers 17 12 100% Exaggerated 65% 348 86
F C Harvey Hamilton 17 56 100% Exaggerated 100% 1 0
F R Charlie Sinclair Ceredigion Orient 17 135 100% Exaggerated 100% 25 3