Wales Under 21
Squad - Squad of the Last Match  (16/09/2024)
  Position Name Team Age Skills Fitness Confidence Morale Caps Goals
D C Steve Barnard Carmarthenshire Welfare 17 107 100% High 100% 238 0
? C Hugh Pirzada AFC Caerphilly 17 0 100% Very Low 100% 197 0
D RC Claude Wyco Newport Rovers 17 100 100% Very Low 100% 197 1
D L Theo Bird Matanza B 18 0 100% Average 100% 17 0
D R Brent Orlando Wrexham Town 18 0 100% Average 100% 0 0
M LC Christopher Mawe Wrexham Town 17 91 100% Exaggerated 100% 197 1
M C Kevin Mumford Newport Rovers 17 81 100% Exaggerated 100% 0 0
M C Jeremy Adkins Ceredigion Orient 17 0 100% Exaggerated 100% 197 0
M C Paul Bornhoeft FC Mostaganem 17 108 100% Exaggerated 100% 216 3
M R David Massoue Wrexham Bay 17 91 100% Very High 100% 0 0
? R Stewart Bruneau Carmarthenshire Welfare 17 0 100% High 100% 197 6
M C Nick Meimaris Swansea United 17 13 100% Exaggerated 100% 0 0
F RC Stalock Winter Matanza B 21 0 100% Very Low 79% 47 5
F C Brodie Thomas Wrexham Town 21 0 100% Very Low 76% 0 0
F C Kenny Bellamy Caerphilly Football Club 17 109 100% Exaggerated 100% 201 41
F C Lawrence Clarke Ceredigion Rovers 17 0 100% Very High 100% 197 8